Sunday, June 5, 2011

Used for more than just hearing

You see it all the time, the classic cigarette behind the ear or perhaps even a pen. Why not make use of a body part for storage of small slender items??

Keeping it open

While I was on vacation with my family we had two hotel rooms at a time and we would use the door locks as ways of propping open the doors so that we could come and go into each others rooms.

Monday, May 30, 2011

All over the place

What is with writing on the walls of the bathroom stalls? Either there is nothing on the stall or there is a ton of vulgar writing. One statement leads to 10 more!

But it has a handle

I don't think doors that are meant to be pushed should have handles. Handles are meant for pulling, therefore without looking directly at the words that say "push" be default I tend to pull a door with a handle.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Someone else started it

In journeying to river I was pleased to discover this post in the river had been so conveniently turned into a multi-purpose trash can and post. And of course there is an actual trash can directly behind this spot on the pier. 

A perfect trash ledge

Look a perfect ledge for someone to set their coffee cup trash. The actual trash can across the street is clearly too far away to throw this into.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Walk this way

I spent this past weekend at the Saturday Market for the very first time and I was greeted my a mass swarm of people. Since there were so many people, organization and some sort of order has to come of it. In walking from one tent to the next you easily find a nice path to follow. People are walking in each direction and you just seem to find your way in the line of people going in the same direction as you.

Look I used a coaster Ma!

I was always taught to never put your cup, glass, or liquid holding device onto a wooden or glass surface. If I did, then it could damage the surface with a cup ring or just make it annoyingly dirty. When I go to other peoples homes I keep this in mind and am never comfortable setting my glass down without a coaster, so if I don't see one I either hold on to the cup or find a napkin or something else equally qualified to set my cup on.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Take a hint

This is a weekly occurrence at my apartment complex, the never ending stream of coupons and sale fliers shoved into our mailboxes only to be discarded on top of the mailbox unit, on the ground, or in the trashcan right next to the mailboxes. I don't necessarily agree with discarding them so thoughtlessly onto the ground, but perhaps whoever is in charge of creating these ads should contemplate saving paper and just send these to people who actually want them.

Drying slowly, yet safely..

I know that I am not the only one to dry my clothes over the backs of chairs, on shower curtain rods, hanging from door knobs and many other various places. I should say that I dry my clothes this way to save energy, but mostly I do it so some of my clothes don't shrink!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

But its round and can hold stuff

While working at Starbucks it was definitely a commonality to find trash everywhere. Customers would leave their cups on tables, on the condiment bar, in bathrooms etc. Things like straw wrappers would end up in the tip jars, on the beverage hand off plane, on the floor, in chairs, in the sugar containers, you name it. This image represents a common problem with trash in the store lobby. Starbucks has a program in which they scoop up old coffee grounds and give them away for free for people to use in their gardens. The bin shown represents the bin that we would put the coffee grounds in (in reused coffee bags of course). Well whether the bags of grounds were in there or not, customers would see a bin and just throw trash in it as if it were a trash can. Even with huge signs explaining it wasn't a trash can, people would still do it anyway. We even tried putting the bin next to an actual trash can....but still people thoughtlessly would discard whatever into our poor coffee grounds bin. Sigh.

He shoots, but no score...

We all may have laundry hampers, but I am sure the scenario sometimes looks a lot like the image here. Whether we aren't near the hamper at the time we are removing the clothes, or the lid is on top of the lid or it just seems easier to put the clothes next to the hamper, the clothes more often than not end up on the floor. Of course I don't speak for everyone on this matter, but I know for myself and several others that putting your clothes into the actual hamper seems like such an effort! Technically it isn't much of an effort, it turns out to be an even bigger effort when laundry day comes and you must gather all of your belongings off of the floor. I think that when you are actually to the point of taking off your clothes and getting into pajamas or what have you, you are just so utterly exhausted that such a remedial task seems strenuous at the time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Things are always so much more interesting and useful when you are a child. I am sure we can all relate to this image and think back to when you were a kid playing race car or speed boat in a laundry basket. Something as simple as a laundry basket can bring hours of entertainment to a kid and it definitely makes the basket multi-functional!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hangin' Out

Air fresheners, beads, pendants, tassels, trinkets, you name it - it has probably been hung from someones rear view mirror in their car. How did that trend get started? Obviously the mirrors weren't created with the purpose of hanging various items from them, but for some reason the majority of people make use of their rear view mirror for more than looking behind them.

So that got me thinking - were air fresheners created with the strings with the intention of them hanging from rear view mirrors? Or maybe that was just a weird coincidence.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Whatever works

Whether it was meant to hold pens, pencils, and whatever else is necessary on a desk an item like a cup can serve more than one purpose. When you are sitting at your desk and realize that you don't have anything to put all of your writing utensils or office supplies, then you make use of whatever you have. In this case I happened to have a drinking glass that didn't belong with the other drinking glasses and like that voila!, a magical pen holder.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Shoes off!

We have all done it at some point, and we see it all the time. Taking your shoes off by the front door is a requirement of the house, or so routine that it becomes thoughtless. I always take my shoes off when I go into a house even if the owners or residents keep theirs on. I find it more comfortable to take them off. Is that seen as inappropriate or rude? I can't imagine so...if anything I am doing their floors a favor. I know that other cultures do this more regularly. Apartments and homes should come with a built in shoe rack by the front door. That would be really useful!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Unspoken seat understanding

Whether you are at a movie, a concert, play, or some sort of show you will always see reserved seats. Some seats are actually reserved for certain people with signs that say reserved....but for the not so truly reserved seats, individuals choose the reservation method of placing an item on the seat. We don't have to ask people that have placed a sweater or program guide on the seats next to them whether the seats are available, because this act in itself shows others that they have people coming to sit in those seats and some point in the future.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The TP quandry

Do you ever notice the toilet paper roll sitting on top of the empty toilet paper roll? Or perhaps it is left on the sink counter or on top of the toilet tank. How long does it take to take the old roll off and put on the new one? Like 5 seconds, and yet we still leave the empty roll on the toilet paper for at least five bathroom trips.